Monday, April 27, 2009

Relay for Life

Friday was the Relay for Life in Jasper. Our school started a team about 3 weeks prior so it was a major time crunch, but we succeded in more ways than one. First and foremost we reached and exceeded our team goal of $2000.00!! YEAH!!! All our hard work paid off and it was for an awesome cause that touched all of our team on a personal level. The first picture is of the 1st lap where survivors and care givers to people with cancer walk, very touching. The second picture is of our team (excluding Mrs. Brown) at school before the walk. I must say our shirts and flip flops turned out to be SUPER cute and everyone at our school at least wants a shirt like ours...sorry. Any way the Relay got rained out about mid-night on Friday/Saturday but the few hours we spent there as a team brought us all closer and unified us in the end for what the cause really stood for.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

I always see post about my bloggers favorite things and here are a few of mine.

I joined our school's Relay for Life team and we are walking for the cause tomorrow, and even though it has been a stressful few weeks I am SO glad I am apart of something that can change so many lives. And above all that I am doing this for two very special my beloved grandmother who passed this past February with colon cancer and her husband, my grandfather, who has been battling lung and brain cancer for 5 years!
On this fav I couldn't figure out how to post the video so here is the link and a picture of Monk and Neagle, my newest favorite artist! I feel in love with them after the pator and music minister at Peachtree sang the song the 21st Time on Easter Sunday and I have listened to this songe EVERY day since.
I started a bible study with a group of Godly women about 3 weeks ago, and I love it! I am a newer Christian and these women are pros as I like to put it. I am learning so much about God and Idols but also my marriage! I love it and am so glad to be apart of such a great learning experience!

Lastly is pretty much the entire Clinique collection! I have issues with my eyes, they are very make-up sensitive, and Leslie told me about some cleansers. Well I purchased the 3-step set and low and behold if you waited 3 days you recieved a free gift! So of course I did, who doesn't like SWAG, right?? Well when I went back a couple of days later I got the facial wash and my free gift but then I also purchased a moisturizer for my eyes and eye shadow and mascara which oh my goodness gave me ANOTHER free gift! So I have been using Clinique products for about 3 weeks and I am in love!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy 83rd Birthday Pawpaw!

Yesterday we celebrated Aaron's pawpaw's 83rd Birthday! Look at how CUTE he is! Of course I got asked the same question as every year! (When you gonna make that boy to carry on the Willoughby name?) Which is always then followed by you know Aaron is our last hope and y'all better get on that! Okay pawpaw give us 2 years. Well 2 years is apparently too long for him he stomped his foot and left the room. But later he came back gave me a hug and said I love you. Well I love him that is why I am dedicating this post to him!

How could you not love that face!! I can't seem to get my other pictures to post right so that will be tomorrow's post.

Monday, April 13, 2009

As Promised....Our Easter Pics

So yesterday was AWESOME!! We got up about 5:20 AM for the Peachtree's Sunrise Service it was windy and chilly but a-mazing! After that we went to my in-laws house until it was time for Sunday school and church. but the bad news was I forgot my camera when we left the house so these pictures were at 3 PM! Almost 12 hours later and after we had to run through the rain! But here they are.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter, to Aaron

Easter is a very special time for Aaron and I, it was when we got engaged! Three years ago this Easter Aaron asked me to marry him, in the sweetest way! He talked to our boss at the time and asked for me to get off early that day (it was actually the Saturday before Easter). So what she did was tell you me you need to leave and go to Aaron's house...hmmm I instantly think something is wrong. Well I got there and he had me an Easter basket filled with those plastic eggs with a note that said, "Happy Easter, I love you so much here is a gift and game for you. Each egg is filled with something from candy, money, to special things so be careful!" So I instantly start to wonder and start opening eggs. I found lots of candy (no money) and then I open one egg and it is filled with cotton balls and a ring! I look at Aaron who is all teary eyed and he is on the ground asking me to marry him!! AHHH!!! I couldn't believe it! We both hugged and cried and of course I said yes! So with that said I try to get Aaron a basket every year with something special. So yesterday after my dreaded doctors appointment I went on the hunt for him a gift. Well I never found him a basket just this:

And instantly my craft side kicks in and I go home and get to work on this....

It has a Polo shirt, golf balls, a putter practice thingy, and candy! I love my husband!

Monday, April 6, 2009

It Azalea Picture Time Again..

As you may know every year around Easter we get together in my in-laws back yard to take our pictures in the azaleas. Well this year they were taken earlier than usual, thanks to random storms that came through Jasper and practically destroyed thier bushes. On this Sunday inparticular I don't know what was going on but we didn't really get a "good" shot but here are the best of the bunch!

This picture I don't know what happened it was in color but when I loaded it on my computer we got gray patches on our faces so I changed and saved it to black and white.
Yes, I know this is NOT an azalea picture it is actually from December 16th, 2008 before our work Christmas party (and the day before my birthday) Aaron decided to give me my new camera and this is a self picture. Not too bad, huh??

This is actually the last picture and if Aaron didn't have a log coming out of his head and if I didn't look H-U-G-E I might actually like it. Oh well can't always have the best pictures. Hopefully I will have some awesome Easter pictures after Sunday to post.