Saturday, November 5, 2011


much has happened since I last posted 6 months ago (whoops, been busy I guess). I don't really even know where to begin, but so I don't draw out a long post I will bullet point the highlights.
  • Aaron graduated from The TX Game Warden Academy in July, so very proud of him!
  • We moved to Del Rio, it is where the academy thought he would best fit. The Mexico border is literally 3 miles from our front door. We have been told several times if we were to get a border town we got the best, as far as crime. So far I would have to agree, the most excitement Aaron has seen is a Mexican Black Bear in a tree by one of the Elementary Schools. Aaron LOVES his job so I will support him in whatever choice he makes
  • Noelle and I took our first trip to VA, to see friends and family. It was her first flight and she did well, I was very blessed to have dads next to me on the returning flights so they knew things to help keep her occupied. It was nice to see old friends and my family, I had missed them all so much!
  • Noelle had been a sick free until we moved then twice in two weeks we had to make ER visits. The ER was a last resort but when you live in a town with only 2 pediatricians and 1 isn't accepting new pts. and the other can't get you in for over a month, a mother does what she has to do. The first ER trip Noelle was diagnosed with a severe double inner ear infection (BOO!). The second was for a stomach bug, granted I know these must run their course but she wasn't able to keep ANYTHING down and hadn't had a wet diaper in almost 12 hours, so dehydration was the main concern.
  • Noelle turned ONE!! (This bullet deserves its own post, and I will do one soon. I just wanted to keep everyone updated.)
  • Our family started going to the FBC of Del Rio, everyone is very welcoming and kind. A huge plus is their nursery, on any given Sunday there are between 5-15 babies! Aaron and I love the fact Noelle is getting play time with kids her own age!
  • Lastly, Noelle and I started attending a Women's Bible Study on Tuesday mornings. I/ we really enjoyed ourselves. It's nothing but SAHM and their kiddos so Noelle had the best time playing and I got to enjoy some much needed fellowship.
Well I guess I have babbled enough for this boring and picture-less post, I can't find my camera. I will update soon with Noelle's 1st Birthday Party, and all the DIY stuff I made for it. Yes, that's right I made EVERYTHING for her party from decorations, invitations, cake, cupcakes, and everything in between.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Best Toy EVER and 6 Months!

This is Violet.....

This is my daughter's reaction when she gets hold of Violet. (Insert shrieks of sheer delight with this face)

This talking dog that is programmed to say her name will calm her down in the roughest of times. Therefore I am declaring Violet, The. Best. Toy. Ever!!
Noelle turned 6 months on Tuesday (sniff sniff), she had her 6 month check-up on Wednesday.
I think she liked the paper, don't you? This visit was the first time I let her sit on the table and wait for Dr. Hubbell. Once she heard the paper crinkle it was all over. She had the paper shred to pieces in a matter of seconds. Her check up went well. She now weighs 17 lbs 3 oz and 26" long.
I will leave you with this picture. I have been wanting one of these bows for her FOREVER! Well I got lucky one night and won one in an auction. The bottle cap say "Not everyone can be a princess someone has to sit on the curb and clap as I go by" Love it!! Now I am going to order her the matching shirt, because lets face it...Noelle is my princess!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Guess who's back???....ME!!!

I have come back from the dark ages of no Internet and regular computer!! My awesome husband bout me a mini laptop so now I can get rolling on some blogging. :) This post will be short but sweet.
Aaron is still kicking bootie at the Academy. Only 12 more weeks! I can't wait for him to graduate and for us to MOVE!!! Don't get me wrong I love living with my parents but I am also 27, a mother, and a wife. Things are different and people change. I am absolutely in love with being a SAHM! I am so blessed for this opportunity.
I have started a VERY small business called New Momma Creations, its where I am selling bows, tutus, and custom shirts. It is just starting out
and I am only in my 3rd week but I love having something to do besides baby stuff. Right now things are a little crazy since I agreed to help with a benefit auction for a family. I am so happy to help and I am praying God does something amazing! Well I am going to run and get some sleep. Ill leave you with a pic :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

17 weeks...The Changes Between Me and You.

Noelle turned 17 weeks today. She is growing and doing so many things that make me think she is a genius. I'm going to try and update her weekly since it seems she is doing something new every week. So here it goes
- You can sit up on your own...granted it's only for a few minutes but it's a change.
- Your sleeping habits are becoming more and more defined. You sleep great at night only waking up once and sleeping until 8:30!! I'm lucky I know. :-)
- Your laugh melts my heart. You just laugh all the time and its quite possibly the cutest sound.
- You are a jibber jabber, you talk all the time. I'm wondering what your teen years will be like..ha! I can't wait for you to say da-da. When I say that to you you just grin, squeal, and jump around.
- You have your dad wrapped, and I love it!!
-You are a morning person, which is so odd, because Aaron and I aren't. But I like it because you make me smile and happy in the morning.
-You learned a while a go to roll from your tummy to your back. You have been trying to roll from your back, but the farthest you get is to your side and you just chill that way. I <3 it since you will even sleep that peaceful!
- I weighed you today and you are 15 pounds!! You are wearing 3-6 months clothes and your 3 month onesies are too short.
- I know I vowed you wouldn't watch TV but your BB let you watch Spongebob one day while I was at the store and you LOVE it. We also started the My Baby Can Read DVD, you seem to like it, guess we will see how that works out. You love Wheel of Fortune which I find really interesting since that is what was on when you were born. So your nightly routine consists of Wheel, bath, bottle, book, and then I pray with you. I love you little girl!

Friday, February 25, 2011

When Dreams Become too Much

First off let me apologize for another pictureless post. I update from my phone and for some reason it doesn't like to upload, and when Aaron comes home on the weekends with the laptop updating my blog isn't exactly on the top of my list. We try to cram as much as possible in in the 36 hours we get to spend together each week, if we are that lucky.

Any way to the real reason for this post. Have you ever had such a horrible life like dream that you woke up and felt like the worst person for the rest of the day?? Well that happened to me on Wednesday. I don't know if any of you know that the guy I dated before I met Aaron passed away. I'm not talking just a passing he died tragically in a car crash! Granted he was at fault he had been out drinking all evening and chose to drive home. I sometimes blame myself for that accident because that morning he called me trying to reconcile something that just wasn't there. My last words to him were we are done, leave me alone, and just move on. Horrible I know and I feel even worse that I was that mean. But back to my dream. I'm sure you figured out it involved him. He was alive and screaming at me saying his death was my fault and he couldn't believe I had moved on and was married with a child. He then proceded in telling me he would make sure I paid for his death. It was at this point I woke up, it was one of those times when you still can't tell if you were still dreaming. I was frantic I spent the rest of my day reliving that horrible nightmare. Then I decided to use my 10 min texting conversation I get with Aaron daily to tell him about my dream. He was so understanding and helped me understand it wasn't my fault and I must just be stressed about something. Although I don't feel stressed. So that's where I am trying to figure out why now, why that dream, why did it seem so real.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


So much has happened since I last blogged. So I'll try to recap the highlights.
-The birth of our beautiful daughter, Noelle Elise on November 3. My intentions were to have a natural childbirth. I lasted 8 hours of induced labor then I graciously asked for an epidural. After 12 hours of labor she arrived weighting in at 8 lbs and 20 inches long. By far the best day of my life!
- Job changes...Aaron was accepted into the Texas Game Warden Academy. A definite answered prayer. So on January 3, he reported to Hamilton, TX for 30 weeks of intense work. So far he is enjoying it, we just miss each other like crazy. But we have set our eyes on the prize so to speak and know God has a plan for us.
- Move...since Aaron left for Hamilton I didn't feel comfortable staying alone that long, so Noelle and I moved to League City, TX with my parents. So far so good with that. I have been cooking tons for them and I'm loving all the new recipes I've been able to try.
Job changes..part 2 . I am a STAY AT HOME MOMMY!!
That's about all for now, I'm going to try and get some rest. I'll post pics next time.
Oh on Noelle's two month check up she weighed in at 12 lbs 5 oz and 22 3/4 inches long! My girl is growing up too fast.