Thursday, January 14, 2010

What's with you?!?

That was the question I was asked a few days ago and have been pondering. I didn't respond to this question right away because I didn't know how to respond, until today.
As I am sure all 1 of you that read my blog know I am a paraprofessional (teacher's aide) and I have what's called 3rd grade lunch duty (woo-hoo) one of the ladies I work with asked me this question and today I asked her what did you mean.
Her response~ "you're just so happy all the time".
My response~ "REALLY?!?, um why not be happy? Aren't you?"
Her~ "No, I hate this place."

Then we had to break so we could tend to juice spills and children that forget their sporks.

I have been sitting here and thinking about this on my lunch break and my response...

Now, let me explain this a little better. I mean sure I got saved and baptized a few years ago but there was just something missing. So here in the last 4 months I have really dug in my heels and stopped to listen, pray, and read my bible. It has been so incredibly AH-MAZING!! I can't even begin to explain how I feel and my excitement for each new day. I mean don't get me wrong I am not walking around with a smile plastered on my face being all giddy and sure sometimes I get upset or frustrated but then I have to stop and remember why I am here and is this how I want to! So that's my response, hopefully you get it too :)

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